Sunday, June 8, 2008

A new "guest"?

We may have a possum visiting us. At least I hope it's only visiting.

I saw it's back end disappear into the ivy by our patio this morning. That could explain why Sonya, the cat, was staring intently into the ivy yesterday.

Did you know that opossums, or 'possums' as I call them, are marsupial? My Australian friends probably knew that. One website I looked at said they are the only North American marsupial. Webster's said they are one of several American marsupials. Anyway, normally we would be glad to have an Australian visitor, but in this case...

You might think with two cats living here it would have picked somewhere else to live. Maybe it wanted to hang out with a fellow 'Ozzy'. They're both nocturnal too ;-).

No doubt it's hoping to feast on my tomatoes and squash! Speaking of squash, it's partly revived, though alot of the leaves died. (I cut off the dead ones for this picture.)

I'm happy to say that I'm also more revived. It's amazing how much better I felt after I finished writing the report my boss last assigned me. I wasn't sure I could do it, but with God's help and my Mom's prayers I did.


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