My husband discovered this morning that three of my photos from the last blog post were not working.
When I went into the post I noticed that the html for each of the three seemed to be sort of duplicated with slight differences. So instead of the usual chunk of a few lines of html for one photo it was two chunks of html for each of those three. Their html was also mostly underlined in red. I don't think that is normal. It was certainly different from the html for all the other photos.
I don't know for sure why. But I wonder if it was because I may have moved them around while I was creating the post. I know I did a few photos and those may be the ones. I've done that before without any trouble though and these worked at first so it doesn't make sense. But I've always felt that computers are not really always logical whatever my computer whiz husband and friends say!
Anyway, I think I fixed them. I deleted the broken ones and reinserted them. You can of course go back to that post or just look at them here:
They were the ones about Broken Bow Lake:
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