Friday, January 3, 2020

Painting the Hallway - Phase Two

Last week after Christmas John tackled the biggest job on my “John’s time off projects” list, Phase Two of Painting the Hallway.

This phase was the most challenging. There wasn’t as much wall space as the first phase but there were a lot of doors. Six in all and all dark brown with dark brown trim. Three room doors, two closet doors and the front door. Five of the doors we painted bright white. Even with primer it takes a lot of white paint to cover all that brown. We decided to leave the front door as it was because it is pretty, but we painted its trim. The walls we painted ivory.

It’s taken longer than we expected to finish the job. We hope to finish the last little bit tomorrow.

It used to be like a dismal cave but now, even with some of the tarps and blue tape still around, it’s pretty and bright. It feels like a different house. It’s amazing what paint can do.

In process. The linen closet after John sanded it. The little gizmo on the floor is an air filter to help keep the dust down. We still found dust at the other end of the house! The door way on the left is the hall bathroom.

The linen closet is behind John

Looking into the hallway from where I am sitting in my office. That white door really brightens up my view.

The hall closet across from the linen closet with my office and guest rooms on the left. Even with the mess on the floor it looks like a different place.

The linen closet. The pink tags are things that need a little more work. At least that was the idea. They keep falling off or getting moved as we work on things and then find more runs to fix or patches we missed. The place was riddled with them for a little bit. 


  1. Wow, it is a really big change! Light makes such a difference. There's definitely a spiritual parallel there. P.S. It wouldn't let me see your 1st entry. I was looking for a Before & After picture.😊

    1. I fixed the link so it should work now. Thanks for letting me know it wasn't working! The picture about phase one isn't very informative though, it's just a nice picture of John painting. I didn't do a before and after about that phase. It is part of a compilation of things I was thankful for from the year.
