Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Downsizing my fears

I’m doing some more downsizing. This time I’m downsizing my trunk load of fears. Some of them have weighed me down for years.

One of the biggest that I threw away a few days ago is the fear of losing my salvation. (Yes, you read that right. And no, I’m not interested in any theological debates.)

That was a big deal in most of the churches I grew up in. One pastor in particular seemed to preach it all the time. And even those that don’t openly preach about it may have it as a foundational starting point. I’ve noticed something about a lot of preachers. They generally aim their sermons at the hard-headed members of their congregation. They don’t seem to realize that even if they don't make a dent in these impervious ones, those of us that are overly sensitive and conscientious might be drowning in fear and condemnation by the end. Thankfully, as I am learning more about grace, I am getting less overly sensitive!

I read recently that experts say that anxiety is the foundation for all other psychopathologies. That means it makes me crazy! Or as a much older book says, "fear involves torment."*

I’m sick of being bullied by fear. It’s not from God. God does not give me a spirit of fear. He gives me a spirit of adoption! **

*Jasmin Lee Cori in "The Emotionally Absent Mother"; 1 John 4:18
** 1 Timothy 1:7 and Romans 8:15

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