Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Backyard inspiration

Last week I signed up for a photography class on I'm taking advantage of a free two month trial of their premium plan to see if I might want to join. The first class I signed up for is called "Nature Photography: Recharge and Enjoy the Outdoors" with instructor, Tabitha Park. It is only 18 minutes of video. So it's not super in-depth. But I enjoyed it.

The class assignment Ms Park said is just to "go outside and have fun with your camera." She suggested an early morning nature walk. But said that any outdoor space that inspires me would do. 

We do have a few flowering plants in our yard and it is obviously close and easy to get to. So I thought I would try that. It is no Edenic paradise though, so I didn't expect much joy, but to my surprise I actually did get inspired before long and took lots of photos. The morning sun looks lovely on the flowers and their were some other interesting sights as you will see.

Since I managed to get outside sooner than the recommended start time of 8:00 a.m. I did another little job first.

I've been having wasps coming into my bathroom and bedroom. One way they are coming in is from the bathroom vent. We're wondering if they have a nest in one or more of the roof vent pipes. I've read that they become active in the morning. So I thought if I could spot which roof vent pipe they fly out of in the morning then we will know if and where their nest is. 

I didn't see any flying out but I did spot two going into what I think is my bathroom's vent pipe. I guess they got up sooner than I did. They didn't come out again while I was watching. That might be enough proof. I don't know what to do about it if there is a nest in the vent pipe. Maybe we need to contact our roofer friend.

Anyway here is one of the wasps arriving at the vent pipe. (This is from a video I shot of it):

After several minutes of watching for wasps, I got down to my photography assignment.

First was the crepe myrtle. The light was still a little dim but with the camera set on Auto I was able to get some pretty shots.  


Then I went to the back of the yard where the "roses of Sharon" live. The sun was just peaking over and around the house and some of the blooms were still in shadow.

This busy bee surprised me. Just after I took another photo I glanced back at the flower again and saw it had a visitor! I quickly took this photo. When I tried to refocus for a better shot it was gone. 

Then I started stalking it. That is quite out of character for me, above mentioned wasps not withstanding, I usually run when bees come near me. But now I was hoping the bee would come closer so I could get another shot. I guess it didn't like the look of me though because it mostly stayed further away. It was also very quick. It's amazing how fast it moved. I did manage to get these next two pictures of it on some of the top most flowers.


On the way to the lantana in the front yard I stopped again at the crepe myrtle and got this photo of another interesting critter.

And this cute little bud just about to open. (or is it already spent?)

The lantana at the front of the front yard faces east and gets a lot of sun in the morning so the colors were really gorgeous. 

I love the textures and the different shades of green and pink in the above.

I like how some of the blooms on the left look almost like fungi :-). 

I hope you have enjoyed coming on my photography assignment with me. May you also find inspiration where ever your week takes you, even if only to your back yard.


  1. Thank you for the lovely wander through your garden. I enjoyed it. :-)

  2. Beautiful Sharon! I have recently finished reading Julia Baird's "Phosphorescence" where she talks a lot about the awe that nature inspires in us. While I think she would call herself a Christian, she doesn't clearly make the link that ultimately creation points to a Creator who is truly awesome. But we can delight in His work in the small details as well as the grand vistas.

    Juliette (Sydney)
