Vinyl plank flooring might be a good option. It is water proof so it can be used in the kitchen too. Since the kitchen and living room and hallway are sort of a continuous open loop design already, I want the same flooring throughout. It seems like it will feel more open and larger and less chopped up and cluttered than the way it looks now with brown carpet in the living room and halls and white-ish tile in the kitchen.
We haven’t finished painting the kitchen yet though. Maybe we need to hold off a little longer until we get that done. But meanwhile we are looking at samples.
I’m disappointed with the limited color choices for vinyl planking I’ve seen so far. Dark and especially gray tones seem to be the preference among the designers.
Gray has been a popular color for a while now. It started with stainless steel fridges and stoves, then gray became a popular wall color and now even furnishings and floors are gray. If you are tired of that though, the new color in fridges is black!
An article I read on flooring trends said that hardwood is the in thing. And apparently it has to be very dark so it won't be "dated." Maybe I should say, dark fake wood. Everyone wants their house to look like an old barn or something. Or is it an old farm house? But, if you don’t happen to live in a house like that, we don’t, you can get vinyl flooring that looks like wood. I used to like the wood-look flooring. But after looking at all these samples I am getting tired of it a little. If we have to get fake something on our floor why does it have to be fake "wood"? It reminds me of all that awful dark brown “wood” paneling that was so popular in the ‘70s. Now no one wants that. In a couple of decades all this dark fake wood flooring will probably be just as passé. If everyone decorates the same way for a while then in a few years it will become "dated" no matter how popular it was or maybe because of how popular it was once.
I don’t want to live in a black hole. I need brightness and light. Maybe I have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) but I would be sad for sure if everything in my house was dark gray or black. We don't get much natural lighting in our house so I have been trying for almost 25 years to lighten things up. Dark gray floors is going in the wrong direction!
I was looking at a website for and they seemed to have a range that wasn't just grays and darks. They might be worth a look. Otherwise, if you have a concrete slab foundation, have you considered slate tiles? They are good for kitchens and hallways, too. Not sure how expensive they would be though.
ReplyDeleteThank you Melissa! I just looked at their website and you're right. They have a lot more variety. I called them to get their hours and ask a few questions. Before we hung up the man asked how I heard about them. He was delighted and amused when I told him that my sister-in-law in Australia found their store in Dallas, Texas on-line and told me about it! I hope we can go this Saturday.
ReplyDeleteThat's great news. I hope you find something.