Friday, July 12, 2019

Did the chicken design the egg?

This morning on CBS This Morning one of the news anchors referred to something as having been “designed by nature.”

So when they say something was “designed by nature” which part of nature did it? Which thing designed both itself and all the rest? Or did different parts design other parts? The birds designed the bees, maybe. A spider designed the flies.  And did the chicken design the egg, or was it the egg that designed the chicken? I guess whichever one came first designed the other one.

“Intelligent design” is always ridiculed in the liberal media. But in recent years I’ve noticed an increasing use of the word “design” when they talk about the natural world. They never include the word “intelligent” however.

The word “design” implies a designer. It takes planning and thought and problem-solving skills to design something. All of that requires intelligence.

1 comment:

  1. Very thought provoking to me. As they discover more and more and more Galaxies, Blackholes and more I am forced to question if the God that knows all that also give 2 cents about me and my cold, my teeth, my kids. But he does. And as the omnipresent God of all, he is in all those other worlds and in every corner of our tiny earth. This is so humbling. Thank you Sharon.

    Dirk Sprenger
