Wednesday, July 4, 2018

On Sequels and a sequel to yesterday's post

This morning I heard that a sequel to the popular 80’s movie, Top Gun, is in the works. 

Why on earth does Top Gun need a sequel I wondered? Then Jane Austen came to the rescue as so often happens with one of her pithy quotes, “It is a truth universally acknowledged that any popular movie of large profits must be in want of a sequel.” I know that’s paraphrasing a little! But you get the idea. 

Sequels are rarely as good as the original. It seems sad to ruin a good movie with a sequel. 

Remakes are also a nuisance. Occasionally they are cute. But what I really can’t stand is how they often up-date the morals while they are at it. The worst one lately that I know of was the remake of Beauty and the Beast. It’s like they are re-writing history. They want to replace the old with the new. They want us all to forget, and especially children not to see, morals and behavior that are different from what we are being brain washed to accept now. If we are reminded of the past then we might have a choice and choose to reject the current junk.

Speaking of sequels… I wanted to update my last post on the song, “We Fall Down.” I looked it up this morning and discovered some information I want to share. It was written by Chris Tomlin in 1997. He was inspired by hearing Louie Giglio teach on Revelation chapter 4. The song is about the 24 elders who are around the throne who fall down and lay their crowns at Jesus’ feet. I looked up the passage in Revelation and it is the 4 living creatures who say “holy, holy, holy”. So it isn’t about us at all. I wonder why he didn’t write it as “they fall down, they lay their crowns…” I would happily sing that. 

I also want to clarify that I have nothing against dancing during worship, or the other things I mentioned. They are all in the Bible and are perfectly legitimate forms of worship. I just don’t like songs that have us parroting words about things we are supposedly doing while we sing that we are very likely not really doing while we sing. 

Speaking of songs about dancing, one of my favorite choruses is the one about how we will one day dance on the golden streets of heaven with those who are from every tribe and nation worshiping around the throne. It’s true and a glorious hope that I look forward to!

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